Warm up for 3-5 minutes prior to workout. Warm up can be done on any cardio machine or you can jump rope or can jog in place, alternating between regular jogging/high knees/butt kicks and jumping jacks alternate every 30 seconds until you feel warmed up. To keep your heart rate elevated during your workout try to minimize rest time between sets!
Stationary Squats (with or without dumbbells) (15 Reps)
Stationary Squats, (you can hold dumbbells on your shoulders to make the exercise more advanced). As you squat make sure your knees are not extending beyond your toes, try to drop hips to the height of your knees. Keep your feet straight forward and weight in your heels.
Alternating Reverse Lunges (15 Reps each side)
Standing tall, step back with your right leg, keeping your weight in the heel of your left foot, step back far enough to bend both knees to 90 degree angles, Core tight and back straight, step back to the starting position and repeat on opposite side, alternating 10-15 reps on each side.
Lateral Lunges (15 Reps)
Standing tall, step out to the side with your right leg, bend right knee, lower hips to knee height, keeping your core tight and your back straight (weight in your heels), make sure your knee does NOT extend out beyond your toes, step back to starting position and repeat 10-15 reps on right side then repeat reps on left side.
Alternating Forward Lunges (10-15 reps)
Standing tall, core tight, back straight, step forward with your right leg, bend knees, lowering your back knee towards the ground, make sure your front knee does not extend out beyond your toes, weight is in your front heel not your toes, return to starting position and repeat on left leg. Continue alternating desired number of reps.
Squat with overhead press (15 reps)
Stationary squat with weights, hold weights at shoulder height as you squat press them up toward the ceiling as you stand up. Your arms should be fully extended towards the ceiling when you stand up, the weights return to shoulder height as you squat. Weight is in the heels as you squat and make sure your knees do not extend out beyond your toes while you squat. Keep core tight and back straight!
Bicep Curls (15 reps )
Repeat for a second set. Make sure you focus on squeezing your bicep as you bring your hands up towards your shoulders and slowly return to the starting position. Do not swing your weights and keep your back straight.
Overhead Triceps Extension (15 reps)
Extend one or both arms straight up towards the sky, keep arm(s) close to head (biceps near your ears) slowly lower weights down behind your head, squeeze triceps as you extend the weights back up towards the sky. Repeat for a second set.
Front Raise (15 reps)
Standing tall, extend one or both arms out directly in front of the shoulder, raise arms to shoulder height and slowly return to starting position. Keep core engaged and back straight. Repeat 15 reps on each arm.
Lateral Raise (15 reps )
Standing tall, core tight, raise one or both arms out to your sides, raise to shoulder height. Slowly return to starting position. Do not swing arms. Repeat 15 reps on each arm.
Squat to Reverse Lunge (10-15 reps each leg)
Standing tall, Squat with your feet hip width apart, weight in heels, lower hips to knee height, glutes engaged, return to starting position, then step back with your right leg and lower into a lunge, weight in front heel, front knee does not extend beyond toes, step back to starting position, repeat the squat then step back with left leg and lower into lunge position, making sure your knees never extend out beyond your toes, then repeat squats and lunges for 10-15 reps on each leg.
Skater Lunges/Curtsy lunges (15 reps each leg)
Standing tall, with your right foot, step back at a diagonal outside of the left hip line, lower back knee towards the ground, weight is in the front heel, core is tight and keep your back straight. Step back to starting position and repeat with left leg stepping at a diagonal behind your right hip, repeat for 15 reps on each side.
Side Plank Hip Drops (15-20 reps each side)
Holding a side plank, elbow directly under your shoulder, body straight, core tight, looking straight out in front of you, slowly lower your bottom hip towards the ground, promptly return to starting position, keep hips up as high as you can. Repeat 15-20 reps on this side and repeat on the other side.
Side V- Ups (15 reps each side)
Laying on your side, body straight, bottom arm extended along floor out in front of you, top hand is gently behind your head, squeezing between your top hip and ribs, lift the upper and lower body up off the floor into a v position and slowly return to starting position. Do not pull on your neck. 15 reps and repeat on the other side.
Side Crunches (15 reps each side)
Laying on your side, body straight, bottom arm extended out in front of you, top hand gently behind your head, crunch up squeezing rib to the hip trying to bring the top elbow to the knees and return back to starting position.
Lower Back Extensions/Superman (15 reps)
Laying flat on your stomach, arms and legs extended out, core engaged, slowly lift upper and lower body up off of the floor, lifting the thighs up off the floor. Slowly lower towards the floor and repeat 15 reps.
Center Plank with knee tuck/leg extension 10 reps each side
Holding a center plank on hands and feet, pull your right knee into your chest, return it to the starting position, then tap your right toe out laterally and return to the starting position. Keep core tight and back straight. Repeat 10 reps on each side.
Chest Press with Leg Raisers (15 reps)
Laying on back, Press weights up toward the ceiling with your legs extended up towards the ceiling, slowly lower your legs down towards the floor as you brings arms down towards the floor in a 90 degree bend, bring elbows close to the floor then repeat, pushing arms and legs back up towards the sky at the same time. Make sure to keep your core really tight so your back does not arch off of the floor as your bring your legs back down towards the floor.
Fly with a leg raise (15 reps)
Laying on back, bring the arms and legs fully extended up towards the ceiling, as your bring your legs down towards the floor, the arms lower down wide to the sides, palms facing the ceiling. At the bottom, your legs should be straight along the floor and arms extended out to the sides, palms up, return to the top of the exercise, repeat 15 reps, Keep core tight to ensure your lower back does not arch off the floor.
Toe Touches (20 reps)
Laying on your back, legs extended up towards the ceiling, reach finger tips up towards your toes and then lower upper body back down to the ground, repeat toe touches as quickly as you can for 20 reps.
V-Ups (15 reps)
Laying on your back arms and legs fully extended out along the floor, abdominals engaged, lift upper and lower body up off the floor at the same time, lifting into a V position, slowly lower to the floor and repeat for 15 reps. Keep core tight and lift upper and lower body simultaneously.
Obsessed with this workout! Thank you Christina!!